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My Story

Dedicated to the study and application of healing methods since 1981.

A nurse since 1985, I've worked in oncology, hospice, and practiced energy healing for over 4 decades. Since 2001, I've helped clients as a therapist, mindfulness instructor and life coach. My path has straddled the intersection of science, healing arts, consciousness and spirituality. 


Since an early age, I understood I am not just this body, nor this personality. They are vehicles through which awareness flows, linking me to something larger and unifying. That something defies description. 


It set me on a path of personal healing, learning and discovery -  through decades of meditative practices, hands-on healing, yoga, visualization, channeled writing, intuitive development, and many other body-mind modalities. I wanted to understand what animates this journey we call Life and how to nurture human potential.


From early on, I struggled with anxiety and bouts of depression, though never diagnosed nor treated. I attempted to live as a perfectionist and suffered with disordered eating in my teens and early 20's. 


As a highly sensitive, empathic being with big emotions and little understanding how to manage all my challenges, I studied and received many different healing approaches. 


Fast forward to 2021, I departed from my second long-term relationship. A colleague suggested I consider attending an overnight retreat utilizing plant medicine.  For the first time, I experienced relief from my hyper startle response after a single session. And it's lasted...


Now I am an ally and student of the healing intelligence of these transformational molecules, learning how they can facilitate healing quickly, safely, and long-term - when used consciously, with intention, in a peaceful setting, with skillful support. 


It's time to help others benefit from this wisdom, weaving together my gifts of healing, expanded awareness, intuition, attuned listening, and personal transformation. 


Unconventional, creative, and on the leading edge to uncover transformative pathways to wellbeing and awakening.

MindfulGuidance: Healing Journeys

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